Monday, September 7, 2009

Baby Shower and Belly Shots

The church threw us a great shower, Madelynn is fully loaded with all things pink. Here's the loot (it took multiple shots to get it all in).

Ryland and I also did some maternity shots a few weeks back. Here are some of the best ones.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

32 Weeks...Only 8 left if we're lucky!

30 Weeks

I can't believe that it's only 56 days until the due date! The last few months have flown past! It feels like everyday she has prepared herself more and more for birth. I'm pretty sure she could not be sitting any lower in my body (and I'm all done with her using my bladder as a pillow.)

We've been busy prepping the nursery. And worriers that we are, we've also nearly packed everything for the hospital and plan on installing the car seat next week. I'd hate for her to come early and us not be ready.

I'm growing exponentially, gaining 3 lbs in two weeks at my last checkup. We'll see Thursday how much more I've gained. I might have actually passed the 20 lb. mark. My turkey is almost done (my belly button is almost completely out.) I've found the coolest way to gross out Ryland: I lay on my back, take a deep breath, and push my belly button out. Then I exhale and pull it back in. He hates it, I think it's hilarious!

Here are some shots of the nursery, and what I see when I look down.

Friday, July 10, 2009

28 weeks and counting

The past few weeks have been full to say the least. My parents, sister, and her boyfriend came out for a week long visit. In that time we went to the beach, which was fun. What was not fun was the ocean eating my sunglasses, the waves knocking my butt down, and the severe sunburn I came home with.

After they left, Ryland and I headed to Nashville for a short weekend visit. That was fun too, but by Sunday I was exhausted.

We've done a lot of shopping preparing the nursery. There's a new ceiling fan in which was desperately needed. We also purchased the crib comforter, and some wall art. My favorite purchase has been the diaper bag. It's really just a large tote bag from Land's End, but I love it.

I went for my 28 week checkup on Wednesday. Unfortunately I had been sick all day and made quite a mess in the bathroom at the doctor's office, that was embarassing. Since I was sick, I had to go back in Thursday morning to do the glucose test and all the blood work.

I was a bit fearful of the glucose because everyone talked about how nasty it was and how it gave you the shakes. It really wasn't that bad. The bad part was having to sit in the waiting room on a very small uncomfortable couch for an hour. If ever I get to design a doctor's office waiting room there will be full size couches, La-Z-Boy recliners, soft lights and possibly t.v.

Miss Madelynn is growing fine. I gained 3 more pounds, so I'm up 14 pounds, which for 28 weeks isn't bad. When they measured my belly it's still bigger than the due date. This time, though, she only measured two weeks ahead of schedule. The physician's assistant said it could be because she was all stretched out, is a big baby, or there is extra fluid in there. Since she was right on target at the last ultrasound she wasn't concerned.

The exciting part is we are down to 81 days until the due date, all of our appointments are now 2 weeks apart, and the end is in sight!

Friday, June 19, 2009

The uncomforts of pregnancy

25 weeks 4 days

It's hot. That should be enough to sum up how I feel. Fan on, under the air vent, down to the basics in clothing, it's hot. Those who brag about having no humidity (Ryland being one of those) are liars. Three in the afternoon on a playground with no shade feels as muggy as the swamp lands. But if the temperature is the most of my concerns, then things are going great.

The nursery is coming together. I was a smart shopper and beat Babies R Us at the pricing game. I got one curtain for the room at 40% off and the other at 25% off. I am very proud of myself.

Lamaze is going good. We got to tour the new baby wing and it was pretty cool. Very clean and warm and spacious. We also watched the birthing video in class. I am happy to report that both of us made it through the viewing.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Miss Madelynn is healthy!

We had the follow up ultrasound today and learned two things. First, there are no longer any cysts in the brain, they cleared up on their own. Second, the child is very stubborn and refuses to show her face or her private regions. Last ultrasound she kept turning her face away. This time she kept her hands in front the whole time. We did manage to get a blurry profile shot and some face shot of an alien. As for her other end, she kept her thighs very tight together, I think just to annoy the tech.

She is growing though, I've added about 4 1/2 lbs this month, so 11 total. When the doc measured my belly it measured at 27 weeks. FYI...I'm only 23 weeks, today. So she's big for her age.

Sadly, this was my last appointment with my OB since she's moving her practice to another hospital. My next appointment with my new doc will include the lovely sugar test. But after that, it goes to every other week, then every week appointments, so we're on the downhill slide.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Testing the Limits of the Stretchy Shirt

20 weeks, 4 days

Madelynn is slowly creeping her way out. Luckily for me, it's all belly right now, and all baby. She's kicking more and more. Last Monday I felt her from the outside for the first time. I was sitting on the floor in class as my kids were napping and all of the sudden something moved my hand on my stomach. Probably one of the coolest feelings ever. So of course Ryland tried and tried to feel her kick. Everytime he came near she's stop moving. As soo as he was out of reach she'd start up again. He finally felt her move Thursday night, and was pretty amazed by it. She has yet to make a repeat performance for him.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's a girl!

Madelynn Grace will be here in 20 weeks, which is overwhelming. So far so good. The ultrasound tech saw some cysts in the ventricles in the brain, but the doctor didn't seem too concerned, said with no other abnormalities it's a common thing that usually goes away. According to what we read on the trusty internet, 1 in 40 pregnancies have them and 90% of those turn out to be nothing. The other 10% have some genetic defects, but the doctor says it's nothing, so we're going to believe that. We have another ultrasound scheduled for June 2nd not just to look at the brain, but also because Madelynn was stubborn and refused to show her face and a face shoot is on the list of things they need from an ultrasound.

The doctor is also no longer my friend because she said I had to give up fried, rich foods because I've been having some gall bladder pain. If I give up those foods, what will I eat. I mean, seriously, I've only gained 6.5 lbs in 19 weeks, I need fatty foods.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's been awhile

So, I'm lazy and always mean to post, but never do. Since the last photo I've grown (a lot), six pounds gained, which in three months isn't bad. I also cut my hair and I'm starting to look more and more like my mother.

Baby now has a crib, changing table, rocking chair, stroller, car seat, high chair, and some clothes. Sweet Pea is getting loaded with gifts and such. There is also a British guard/cuddly teddy bear, who came all the way from Harrod's in London courtesy of Grandma Jane, protecting the crib.

Ryland was a mad man when it came to assembling the crib, took him less than an hour with no swear words, which is impressive.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby Brown's 1st modeling session

We got to see Baby Brown on the 10th (I'm a little slow on updating). He/She was 5 cm long, had a great heart rate of 150 and liked to stand on his/her head. Dr. Moore said everything looks great and so far their are no problems. Plus I haven't gained or lost weight, though my pants say differently. I was alarmed at this, but apparently I'm perfect and right on track.

Baby currently likes red meat, milk, and pickles. Bread is now the enemy and taste very much like what I assume dirt from the bottom of my shoe tastes like.

Our home is slowly being taken over by small items. First it was just an outfit or two. Now we have a high chair, a bassinet, a rocker and ottoman, a car seat, and next week we pick up the crib and changing table. To be so long from being due it seems like everything is coming together very quickly.

Monday, March 2, 2009

From the beginning until now

Where it all started, well not really (no one wants a picture of that). We found out January 21st during the premiere of Lost, which was very fitting since we spent our honeymoon lying in bed watching the first season of Lost on DVD. After the home test, the doctor's office test, the medical history appointment, we now wait to hear the heartbeat and see the first images next Tuesday. Now here we are at 10 weeks (pic is at 9 weeks 4 days), 211 days from EDD of Sept. 29th.