Monday, May 18, 2009

Testing the Limits of the Stretchy Shirt

20 weeks, 4 days

Madelynn is slowly creeping her way out. Luckily for me, it's all belly right now, and all baby. She's kicking more and more. Last Monday I felt her from the outside for the first time. I was sitting on the floor in class as my kids were napping and all of the sudden something moved my hand on my stomach. Probably one of the coolest feelings ever. So of course Ryland tried and tried to feel her kick. Everytime he came near she's stop moving. As soo as he was out of reach she'd start up again. He finally felt her move Thursday night, and was pretty amazed by it. She has yet to make a repeat performance for him.

1 comment:

  1. :-) David hardly got to feel Maxton move. He would always stop when daddy got near... and agree, one of the coolest feelings ever. I miss it... of course I am still all horomonal. :-) Hope all is well with you guys!!!
