Monday, May 18, 2009

Testing the Limits of the Stretchy Shirt

20 weeks, 4 days

Madelynn is slowly creeping her way out. Luckily for me, it's all belly right now, and all baby. She's kicking more and more. Last Monday I felt her from the outside for the first time. I was sitting on the floor in class as my kids were napping and all of the sudden something moved my hand on my stomach. Probably one of the coolest feelings ever. So of course Ryland tried and tried to feel her kick. Everytime he came near she's stop moving. As soo as he was out of reach she'd start up again. He finally felt her move Thursday night, and was pretty amazed by it. She has yet to make a repeat performance for him.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's a girl!

Madelynn Grace will be here in 20 weeks, which is overwhelming. So far so good. The ultrasound tech saw some cysts in the ventricles in the brain, but the doctor didn't seem too concerned, said with no other abnormalities it's a common thing that usually goes away. According to what we read on the trusty internet, 1 in 40 pregnancies have them and 90% of those turn out to be nothing. The other 10% have some genetic defects, but the doctor says it's nothing, so we're going to believe that. We have another ultrasound scheduled for June 2nd not just to look at the brain, but also because Madelynn was stubborn and refused to show her face and a face shoot is on the list of things they need from an ultrasound.

The doctor is also no longer my friend because she said I had to give up fried, rich foods because I've been having some gall bladder pain. If I give up those foods, what will I eat. I mean, seriously, I've only gained 6.5 lbs in 19 weeks, I need fatty foods.