Tuesday, August 4, 2009

32 Weeks...Only 8 left if we're lucky!

30 Weeks

I can't believe that it's only 56 days until the due date! The last few months have flown past! It feels like everyday she has prepared herself more and more for birth. I'm pretty sure she could not be sitting any lower in my body (and I'm all done with her using my bladder as a pillow.)

We've been busy prepping the nursery. And worriers that we are, we've also nearly packed everything for the hospital and plan on installing the car seat next week. I'd hate for her to come early and us not be ready.

I'm growing exponentially, gaining 3 lbs in two weeks at my last checkup. We'll see Thursday how much more I've gained. I might have actually passed the 20 lb. mark. My turkey is almost done (my belly button is almost completely out.) I've found the coolest way to gross out Ryland: I lay on my back, take a deep breath, and push my belly button out. Then I exhale and pull it back in. He hates it, I think it's hilarious!

Here are some shots of the nursery, and what I see when I look down.