Friday, July 10, 2009

28 weeks and counting

The past few weeks have been full to say the least. My parents, sister, and her boyfriend came out for a week long visit. In that time we went to the beach, which was fun. What was not fun was the ocean eating my sunglasses, the waves knocking my butt down, and the severe sunburn I came home with.

After they left, Ryland and I headed to Nashville for a short weekend visit. That was fun too, but by Sunday I was exhausted.

We've done a lot of shopping preparing the nursery. There's a new ceiling fan in which was desperately needed. We also purchased the crib comforter, and some wall art. My favorite purchase has been the diaper bag. It's really just a large tote bag from Land's End, but I love it.

I went for my 28 week checkup on Wednesday. Unfortunately I had been sick all day and made quite a mess in the bathroom at the doctor's office, that was embarassing. Since I was sick, I had to go back in Thursday morning to do the glucose test and all the blood work.

I was a bit fearful of the glucose because everyone talked about how nasty it was and how it gave you the shakes. It really wasn't that bad. The bad part was having to sit in the waiting room on a very small uncomfortable couch for an hour. If ever I get to design a doctor's office waiting room there will be full size couches, La-Z-Boy recliners, soft lights and possibly t.v.

Miss Madelynn is growing fine. I gained 3 more pounds, so I'm up 14 pounds, which for 28 weeks isn't bad. When they measured my belly it's still bigger than the due date. This time, though, she only measured two weeks ahead of schedule. The physician's assistant said it could be because she was all stretched out, is a big baby, or there is extra fluid in there. Since she was right on target at the last ultrasound she wasn't concerned.

The exciting part is we are down to 81 days until the due date, all of our appointments are now 2 weeks apart, and the end is in sight!